Implementation Training

Training is an integral part of any EHR implementation. Hospitals spend millions of dollars on EGR’s and need proper training to take advantage of all aspects of the system. The one common item with an implementation gone bad is inadequate training.

E-Learning will help in avoiding this disaster. Most system wide EHR implementation go “Big Bang”, with all Modules going live at once. Training must be completed after system configuration and before “Go Live”. This leaves a very short window to complete training. E-Learning trains thousands of employees quickly (just in time) for the “go live”.

It is also a very useful tool for training physicians. The physicians control the training schedule, location and pace.  The tool can also be used by physician’s post go live for refreshers and reference.  MEDITRAIN’s content is customized to your environment and simulates the system the physicians will use daily.

At MEDITRAIN we have vast experience helping train personnel for MEDITECH implementations. Ranging from brand new installs of MEDITECH , to upgrades from MAGIC version, Client Server versions,  6.0 and Expanse.

Whether you are implementing MEDITECH“READY” levels 1 – 4, a Pathway implementation or just one module, we can help.