Success Stories

Doctor wearing white lap coat and stethoscope typing on a laptop
Nurse standing and typing on a tablet wearing blue scrubs with stethoscope around neck

Success Story: Wilson Medical – Transforming Staff Training with MEDITRAIN E-Learning and AI-Driven Solutions

Wilson Medical, a Duke LifePoint hospital, faced challenges training its diverse staff on MEDITECH. Joel Farmer, the CIO of Wilson Medical, recognized the need for a scalable, consistent training solution. The discovery of MEDITRAIN through a moment of curiosity led to a partnership that would transform the hospital’s approach to staff training forever.

The Challenge: High Turnover and Inconsistent Training

Wilson Medical’s informatics team were overwhelmed with training requirements, dedicating extensive time training new nurses every two weeks. With different instructors leading the sessions, the consistency of the training content was lacking, impacting the its overall effectiveness.

MEDITRAIN’s Solution: Customized eLearning Modules

MEDITRAIN introduced a customized eLearning solution, catered to the exact workflows and processes of Wilson Medical. This approach offered a uniform training experience for all staff, regardless of their entry point into the organization, ensuring that everyone received the same foundational knowledge.

The Implementation and Impact

The implementation process saw MEDITRAIN worked closely with Joel and his team, refining the content based on feedback and ensuring the modules met the hospital’s specific needs. The results were immediately evident. The training modules not only reduced the burden on the informatics team but also improved the consistency of training delivery. Over time, the frequency of questions from staff decreased, indicating a solid understanding and retention of the necessary skills.

Expansion and Continuous Improvement

Encouraged by the success of the initial PCS training, Wilson Medical expanded the eLearning project to include the Emergency Department (ED). The ongoing revision and improvement of content have made the training process at Wilson even more efficient and effective.

Future Directions: AI-enhanced Learning

Excited by the initial success, Joel is now exploring MEDITRAIN‘s new AI tool, designed to enhance existing E-Learning advantages. MEDITRAIN’s AI E-Learning tool not only allows staff to query its MEDITRAIN E-Learning content but also content provided by MEDITECH.

A Partnership that Exceeds Expectations:

Joel’s expresses high praise for the interactive, engaging nature of his new training system. The proactive, responsive collaboration with MEDITRAIN has not only solved immediate training challenges but also positioned Wilson Medical at the forefront of technological adoption in healthcare education. Joel’s experience reinforces the value of embracing new solutions like AI to address ongoing challenges in healthcare education and operations.